All advertisements are free for members of Malvern Quilters for a donation to Malvern Quilters of 10% from sales. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in any of the items listed or would like to place an advertisement.
For Sale
Sizzix cutting die 2 1/2" x 25" - £25 New, unused in original packaging, Sizzix die to cut strips 2 1/2" wide x 25" long, enabling you to cut sashing and binding strips quickly and accurately. This die is suitable for all Sizzix machines, but requires a set of extended cutting plates which are widely available.
Felt discs - two for 10p White felt discs to fit on sewing machine spool holder, all proceeds to Malvern Quilters.
Sizzix Big Shot - £25
This machine is suitable for all dies available for loan from Malvern Quilters. Accuquilt dies can also be used in this machine, provided extra shims are added.