Treasurer contact details To contact Pat, our Treasurer, please email [email protected]
Group Quilt 2024-25 Teresa has completed the sashing and piecing of the group quilt. It is ready for tying at the meeting on 17th February.
Miniature Log Cabin Workshop with Joy Harber - Create your very own mini quilt using a quick strip piecing method. These can be adapted into needle cases, bags and lots of other fun projects. This workshop will now take place on Saturday, 29th March 10am-4pm - Malvern Victoria Bowls Club Four places are still available for this workshop. The workshop cost is £35 for members of Malvern Quilters, £50 for external participants. To reserve your place, please send an email to [email protected] and either pay a £15 non-refundable deposit or the full amount by bank transfer to the Malvern Quilters' bank account. Joy's website:
Programme update - small changes have been made to this year's programme, principally that we shall be tying our 2025 Group Quilt on 17th February.
The For Sale & Wantedsection of the website is now available for any member of Malvern Quilters wanting to sell or who is in search of any stitching-related items. To preserve member anonymity on a public website, all communications through [email protected].
Donation to Malvern Hills Foodbank Malvern Quilters again decided against any form of present exchange at their annual Christmas party, and instead made a donation to Malvern Hills Foodbank. This was acknowledged by the Chair of the foodbank who said "Thank you so much for your very generous donation. This is so welcome at this busy time of year."