The group first started in 1979 and is believed to be one of the oldest in the UK. It started as a class run by teacher Brenda Cox who had learnt the craft from a friend in the USA.
Mrs Cox advertised in the Malvern Gazette asking for pupils and around 30 women replied. The first exhibition was held in the early 1980s at the Winter Gardens in Malvern.
The group currently has 26 members of all abilities, from complete beginners to the more experienced, some with City and Guilds in the craft.
Our activities include two meetings a month, where we offer a varied programme with a little something for everyone, including presentations from professional quilters, as well as practical evenings led by group members. We also run at least two full-day workshops during the year.
We hold an exhibition displaying members' work every two years, which includes a charity quilt made by members that is raffled for the retiring President's chosen charity.
Potential members are invited to come along to two meetings, with a door fee of £5/meeting, and then to join the group. If you would like to join Malvern Quilters, please complete the Membership Form and return it to [email protected].